K–12 Education Technology

K–12 Education Technology Solutions for the Classroom of the Future

Stimulate student learning with modern technology and transform the traditional teaching environment into a 21st Century classroom with no boundaries.
Your Contract Pricing Specialist
Connection offers special K–12 pricing contracts for computer hardware, peripherals, and IT services. With more than 415,000 products available from hundreds of manufacturers, your savings could be significant.

1: Select an Organization:
2: Select a State:
2: Select a Contract:


E&I Contract
GOVMVMT Contract
Axia Cooperative Contract
Your Wherever Workspace

Your Wherever Workspace

Simplify IT procurement and deployment while empowering students, educators and district staff with customizable, best-of-breed hardware, software, and services bundles.

ECF Webinar

Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF): What You Need to Know

Acquiring technology and connectivity for your students, teachers, staff, and library patrons to close the homework gap is a priority. However, finding the budget can be difficult. Watch this video and listen in as experts discuss the ECF, what it entails, and how Connection can step in to help. We also cover what technology is eligible, filing windows and timelines, and helpful tips. Visit our ECF knowledge center for helpful information such as a webinar and white paper on the ECF, more videos, filing tips, and a list of eligible products from our partners.

Professional Development Through Connection

Help your educators discover new tools and unlock skills when you enroll them in our professional development courses. Connection’s certified professional development specialists assist teachers with integrating appropriate and meaningful instructional technology tools for effective teaching and learning. We offer webinars and in-person and virtual solutions that allow teachers to choose training that is relevant and meaningful to them, their classroom, and their students. These CARES Act-enabled classes cover a wide variety of topics, including Microsoft and Google applications and devices, synchronous classes and course organization, digital proficiency, asynchronous instruction, pedagogical frameworks, and much more. Contact a Professional Development Specialist today.
Professional Development
CARES Act Update

Federal K–12 Funding Explained

Does your school fully understand the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER I, II, and III)? If not, you could be missing out on federally instituted benefits for your teachers, staff, and students. Download our guide to gain a better understanding of deadlines, allowable uses, and how this funding can help you offer more to those around you.

Phishing Is Real: Be Prepared or Beware

Protecting yourself from cyber threats in the classroom or your remote learning environment is more important than ever. Learn the best practices surrounding security for your school by watching this recorded webinar where we discuss topics that include:
  • Understanding the nature of threats
  • How threats lead to risks
  • What to do about threat and risk factors
  • Your top 10 security needs
Phishing Webinar
Discover how Connection and Lenovo partnered to help Hillsborough County School District

The Power of Technology in the Classroom

Discover how Connection and Lenovo partnered to help Hillsborough County Public Schools utilize flexible, scalable, and supportive education technology solutions to achieve their core mission.

TechSperience Podcast

Future-Proofing the Classroom and Unleashing the Power of Interactive Displays

All monitors are created equal—said no teacher ever. From resolution and color range to touch interfaces and connectivity, today’s classroom-ready displays offer a wide range of options—and complexity.

In this education-themed podcast episode, Brett Hurley, Regional Sales Manager at ViewSonic, joins us to discuss how their solutions are affecting teaching and learning in the classroom.
Listen on Apple Podcasts   Listen on Google Play Music
Unlock the Potential of Every Student

Unlock the Potential of Every Student

Dell and Windows 11 provide powerful tools to learn, collaborate, and create in a secure and trusted environment—from anywhere.

ViewSonic myViewBoard™ is a powerful tool that enables teachers to build dynamic lesson plans

Student Centered, Teacher Driven

ViewSonic myViewBoard™ is a powerful tool that enables teachers to build dynamic lesson plans, import engaging content, and share lessons with students—all with one click.

Deliver an Elevated Learning Experience with Lenovo, Intel, and Windows 11

Lenovo, together with Intel processors and Windows 11, and Connection offer a comprehensive portfolio of end-to-end services to support and protect your investment—so you can focus on learning outcomes, not IT. Empower students and teachers to unleash their creativity with:
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Sustainability
  • Durability

Lenovo and Connection offer a comprehensive portfolio to deliver an elevated hybrid learning experience

Connection - Inside Access

Full STEAM Ahead

Learn how Connection puts the TEAM in STEAM. Hear from Katy Greeley, Business Development Manager at Connection® Public Sector Solutions, how to move full STEAM ahead with the Connection K–12 Team approach.
National STEAM Day

Free STEAM Lesson Plans

STEAM encourages kids to explore their interest in science, technology, engineering, art, and math in fun and engaging ways.

Connection has partnered with leading manufacturers to compile a collection of STEAM lesson plans for your PK–12 school. Highlighting the very best of what STEAM education technologies can offer, these lesson plans will help capture your students’ imagination with curriculum that inspires creative minds.

Your Challenges Become Our Challenges

Whether you need help evaluating the latest classroom devices, optimizing your school’s IT infrastructure, or planning a multi-year technology roadmap, the experts at Connection Public Sector Solutions are here to help.
Maximize Your E-Rate Access
Secure access to the funding you need and bring your classrooms into the 21st Century. Our experts can help you gain the knowledge to navigate the E-Rate process.
Bring Your STEAM Curriculum to Life
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) will prepare America’s youth for the demands of tomorrow’s workforce. See how we can help you deploy the technologies to help them succeed.

The Future of Sports Includes eSports

Athletics have evolved. Events are no longer played only on the track or field. Now they take place in arenas and online, watched by a limitless audience, and feature participants from the other side of the world. Is your organization ready to start an eSports program, or enhance the one you have? Discover what you should know, how to get started, and what the world of eSports has to offer your institution.
Microsoft Windows Pro Education with Windows Autopilot

Learning-Ready from Day One

Low-cost Windows education devices with Windows Autopilot start as low as $399
Cyber Threats in Education and What to Do...

Cyber Threats in Education and What to Do...

The top target for ransomware attacks isn’t the healthcare industry or the critical infrastructure as many may assume. It is... Read More

Nov 21, 2024 | By Pam Aulakh
How to Build an Education Cybersecurity...

How to Build an Education Cybersecurity...

Education remains one of the most vulnerable areas to cybersecurity attacks. Schools, districts, and institutions are all struggling to maintain... Read More

Nov 28, 2023 | By Bobby Sears
Empowering K-12 Education: Embracing the...

Empowering K-12 Education: Embracing the...

In the ever-evolving world of K–12 education, technology continues to shape classrooms into centers of creativity and engagement. Amidst this... Read More

Aug 28, 2023 | By Casey Teel
Connection and Texas City Independent School...

Connection and Texas City Independent School...

Gina Covington is bright, warm, and an absolute force. Having been the CTO for Texas City Independent School District (ISD)... Read More

Apr 06, 2023 | By Makayla Mota
Connection Professional Development:...

Connection Professional Development:...

Prior to my role at Connection, I was a Microsoft Learning Consultant and spent six years training educators and administrators... Read More

Mar 22, 2023 | By Makayla Mota


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Dell Technologies Titanium Partner
Hewlett Packard Enterprise