Are you in the market for new Blu-Ray drives for your organization? Even though computer Blu-Ray drives are hardly the latest technology when it comes to data transfer and storage, the medium still plays a major role in the safety and the durability of the data of many large government agencies and... educational services. Blu-Ray drives provide a non-connected, strong physical medium for data that is simply not possible with the "always on" connections of more recent storage and transfer Internet based technologies. Agencies, such as public educational facilities with a great deal of proprietary and private information, would do well to consider Blu-Ray drives for certain functions within their organization such as system backups.
Some of the most reputable companies that produce computer Blu-Ray drives include Buffalo Technology, LaCie, Lite-On It, HP, and LG. Although the larger companies such as HP and LG do not specialize in Blu-Ray drives, they are usually much more compatible with their own systems, as well as with other industry standard systems running on Windows. However, systems not running on Windows or agencies in need of more performance may find the releases from companies like LaCie and Lite-On It a better investment because of the higher efficiency ratings.
Characteristics of Blu-Ray drives to consider include the read and write speeds of the drive, and the types of media that it takes. The drive should be able to easily transfer forward as new technologies come out for the medium. It should be easy to install and connect with newer formats, such as USB 3.0 and Firewire.