ChromeOS Device Selector

ChromeOS Devices for Education

Unlock the capabilities of your school, staff, and students and find the perfect ChromeOS Device for each use case.

Make a few selections and we’ll show you the best Chromebook, Chromebox, or Chromebase for your school’s needs.
ChromeOS Devices for Business

Key Benefits of ChromeOS Devices for Business

Fast Deployment
Fast Deployment
ChromeOS devices deploy 63% faster than other operating systems.1
Smart and Eco-friendly Investment
Smart and Eco-friendly Investment
$463 saved per device1 and 46% less energy consumption.2
Built-in Proactive Security
Built-in and Proactive Security
Zero reported ransomware attacks.
Modern Employee  Experience
Modern Employee Experience
77% higher productivity due to faster reboots.1

Unlock Business Capabilities with Chrome Enterprise Upgrade

Chrome Enterprise Upgrade unlocks the built-in business capabilities of ChromeOS devices for IT to secure and power the cloud workforce.

Secure, Cloud-based Management
Configure 600+ policies in the Admin Console and provide employees with a familiar experience that integrates directly with your existing infrastructure like Microsoft Active Directory or LDAP server.

Advanced Security
Remotely wipe or disable devices, force re-enrollment, and enable sign-in restrictions to ensure data stays in the right hands.

Reporting and Insights
Pull device and insights reports—including 7-day active metrics, OS versions, and crash reports—to gather valuable fleet and usage information.

24/7 IT Admin Support
Contact Google for ChromeOS troubleshooting assistance and free 24/7 IT admin support.

Granular Controls
Set up networks, policies, and updates for managed devices in your organization.

Manage Updates at Your Own Pace
Choose to roll out updates gradually or automatically with the added option for long-term support channel.
Chrome Enterprise Upgrade Unlock Business Capabilities

Technology Solutions Powered by ChromeOS Devices

ChromeOS for Healthcare: Cloud Solutions Allow Healthcare Practitioners to Deliver a Superior Patient Experience
ChromeOS for Healthcare: Cloud Solutions Allow Healthcare Practitioners to Deliver a Superior Patient Experience
ChromeOS can be deployed throughout your healthcare network—from the mobile workstation to patient devices—to increase information access, reduce operational costs, and ultimately deliver a better patient experience, all powered by the cloud.
ChromeOS for Retail: Enable Your Employees to Deliver a Better Retail Experience
ChromeOS for Retail: Enable Your Employees to Deliver a Better Retail Experience
ChromeOS provides a secure way for retailers to put the power of the cloud in employees’ hands, enabling them to deliver an exceptional customer experience. Workers can leverage the information and agility available in the cloud whenever and wherever they need it, whether providing real-time access to inventory on the floor or important communications in the back office.
Secure and Optimize Your Contact Center with ChromeOS
Secure and Optimize Your Contact Center with ChromeOS
ChromeOS is the best platform for securing and optimizing your contact center while integrating into existing infrastructure.
Modernize Your Kiosk and Signage Solutions with ChromeOS
Modernize Your Kiosk and Signage Solutions with ChromeOS
ChromeOS is a fast, secure, and easy-to-manage platform for your kiosks and digital displays—delivering a great experience for those behind the scenes and in front of the screen.

Featured Brands for ChromeOS Devices

Let’s Connect

You’ve got questions. Let’s find the answers together. Our experts can assist with answering any questions you may have about improving learning and innovation with Google tools.
  1. IDC Business Value Snapshot, sponsored by Google ChromeOS, The Business Value of ChromeOS, doc #US50055223, January 2023
  2. Sutton-Parker, J. (2020), ‘Determining end user computing device Scope 2 GHG emissions with accurate use phase energy consumption measurement’. 1877-0509. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Science Direct, Elsevier B.V.