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Axia Cooperative

Contract Summary

Axia Cooperative, the fastest-growing Cooperative Purchasing Organization in the nation, collaborates with public procurement leaders to offer a diverse portfolio of master agreements, leveraging national volume to deliver savings, efficiency, and innovation to non-federal public sector agencies. Each agreement undergoes a stringent public solicitation process, ensuring adherence to strict procurement standards. With decades of expertise in the public sector, Axia has curated a $13 billion contract portfolio with over 300 supplier partners, serving a membership exceeding 200,000 customers. Their focus lies in optimizing the procurement process for agencies while providing optimal contract vehicles for suppliers, aiming to achieve superior overall value through efficiency and collaboration.
Axia Cooperative collaborated with the City of Tucson, AZ to introduce a new cooperative contract focusing on Information Technology Products, Solutions, and Services. This contract, awarded to Connection, is available nationwide and encompasses Connection’s entire product and service catalog. The contract aims to offer top-tier solutions at competitive prices. Advertised nationally, it includes cooperative purchasing language that meets the bidding requirements of most jurisdictions and incorporates Federal Funds Certifications and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) requirements.
How to Order
Call 1.800.800.0019 and dial “5” for State Government, Local Government, K–12, and Higher Education sales.
AXIA logo

Contract Information

Program Manager:
Robert Bush
Phone #1: 603.249.6813 - Mobile
Phone #2: 1.800.800.0019 – Connection Main Line

Lead Agency:
City of Tucson, AZ
Contract Number:

View the Signed Contract
View the Connection Axia Cooperative Page
Terms and Conditions:
View the Axia Cooperative Purchasing Agreement

Contract Duration:
1/17/24 – 1/16/27