Information Technology Enterprise Solutions–3 Hardware (ITES-3H)


Contract Summary

The Army Computer Hardware Enterprise Software and Solution (CHESS), in coordination with the Army Contracting Command (ACC), Rock Island (ACC-RI) have established the ITES-3H contract to support the Army’s worldwide requirements for a full range of IT equipment for client, server, storage, and network environments. The ITES-3H contract is intended to be a total solution based contract vehicle and include items that are for the fielding of a complete system or as part of a total design solution for all equipment items provided on the contract. For the purchase of items such as personal computers and notebooks that are not part of a total solution, users are directed to the ADMC-2 contract.
In-Scope Products
ITES-3H provides for the purchase and lease of commercial UNIX Based Servers, Non-UNIX based servers, desktops, notebooks, workstations, thin clients, storage systems, networking equipment, network printers, product ancillaries, peripherals, network cabling products, video teleconferencing (VTC) products, standalone displays, scanners, Everything over Internet Protocol (EoIP) products, communication devices, power devices, and software provided as part of the end to end solution. All windows based servers, desktops, notebooks, workstations, and thin clients shall be Army Golden Master (AGM) compliant.
In-Scope Services
Standard warranty and warranty upgrades and variations, and other related incidental services such as system configuration and integration, physical site analysis, installation and relocation, and high availability installation and implementation plans.
Eligible Users
Ordering is open to the Army, other DOD agencies, and all other Federal Agencies, and authorized Government contractors supporting these agencies. Ordering is decentralized.

Contract Information

Program Manager:
Ray McIlwain
Phone #1: 240.234.0996 - Mobile
Phone #2: 1.800.800.0019 x78276 - Connection Main Line
Phone #3: 301.610.0760 - Direct Line

Connection Sales Representatives:
Call 1.855.946.4837 to speak to an ITES Team Member
Click here to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey

Contract Specialist:
Mark F. Wells

Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO):
David A. Gannon 309.782.0868

Contract Name:
GovConnection dba Connection® Public Sector Solutions

Contract Number:

Contract Expiration:
August 22, 2023

Order Status:
Phone: 855-350-ITES (4837)

Obtaining a Quote:
Submit a request for quote via the IT e-mart.
View US Army CHESS
Informative Links
View the ITES-3H Ordering Guide
View the Connection ITES-3H Contract Catalog
View the US Army Chess IT E-Mart
View the US Army Thin Client/Client Computing White Paper
View Connection Relevant White Papers

Help Desk, Warranty Support, and Customer Service Requests:
Tel: 1.855.350.4837
Email: ITES-3H support

Convenient Purchasing Options

Purchasers on the ITES-3H contract are also eligible to shop software products on the ITES-SW2 contract. Both hardware and software can be placed on a single order through Connection.
ITES-SW2 logo