Healthcare Technology Solutions

Provider Experience Solutions

Make Your Healthcare Organization a Better Workplace for Providers

Few industries are more demanding of its workforce than healthcare, as evident by the 42 percent of physicians who report feelings of burnout.1 This phenomenon has plagued the industry with high turnover rates and massive provider shortages, driving up labor costs for healthcare organizations.2 Connection is here to help.

Our Provider Experience Solutions are designed to mitigate the challenges that impair providers’ job satisfaction. Our technology helps providers streamline tedious charting, and other clerical duties, to give them more time to focus on the fulfilling aspects of their invaluable work.

At Connection, our Provider Experience Solutions will enable your healthcare organizations to:

Ready to learn more about these offerings?

Call a Connection IT expert today:   1.800.800.0019
Or send us a message and we’ll reach out to you.
Give Providers Time to Focus on Patient Care

Give Providers Time to Focus on Patient Care

Connection’s healthcare specialists have spent more than a decade empowering healthcare providers with innovative technology.

With Connection’s Provider Experience Solutions, you will receive expert guidance and tools to help your providers deliver quality care to more patients, while minimizing the time and exertion spent on the less enjoyable tasks. Connection’s Provider Experience Solutions can reduce provider burnout, turnover, and the associated hiring costs for additional staff.

Happy Providers Make for Happy Patients

Research published by the National Institutes of Health shows that the top contributors to provider burnout are feelings of powerlessness and lack of autonomy, keeping up with compliance protocols and performance metrics, and the menial clerical duties that take time away from treating patients.

Connection’s Provider Experience Solutions give providers their time back, so they can focus on patient care. These solutions are ideal for inpatient, long-term care, and ambulatory organizations of all sizes.

Like all of our services, the Provider Experience Solutions are customizable to your needs. You can choose the specific services and scope to maximize the benefits for your providers and patients.
Happy Providers Make for Happy Patients

Provider Experience Solutions

Workplace Infection Control

Workplace Infection Control

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) cause more fatalities than car accidents, according to the CDC. To help keep patients safe, our infection control marketplace offers a catalogue of equipment designed with antimicrobial housing and germicidal wipe-down capabilities for better sterilization without degradation. From UV disinfecting devices to temperature verification kiosks and contact tracing, our technology will help your organization save money and improve healthcare outcomes.
PatientSafe Communication Platform

PatientSafe Communication Platform

Give providers the all-in-one tool to manage more patients anytime and anywhere. We’ve partnered with PatientSafe Solutions to deliver a streamlined HIPAA-compliant clinical workflow platform where providers can access health records, transfer high-volume files like x-ray and other diagnostic images, send messages, and prescribe medications all in one place on their mobile device.
Patient Feedback Mechanisms

Patient Feedback Mechanisms

Enable your providers to get valuable patient feedback with automated communications. Our patient registration solution is focused on improving the patient experience, including automated appointment reminders, follow-up surveys, and prompts to leave online reviews. Gather valuable insight with our patient feedback mechanisms to improve your organization.
Learn more about our other Healthcare Technology Solutions.
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1 Medscape, “Medscape National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report 2020,” January 2020.
2 Association of American Medical Colleges, “U.S. Physician Shortage Growing,” June 2020.

Ready to talk about Provider Experience?
Call a Connection expert today.


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