Silver Program Details

5 Programs Available - Starting at $15,000

Program Summary:
This campaign will leverage a variety of web and social media elements. In conjunction with sales enablement activities geared specifically to partner goals and objectives, these campaigns will drive consideration, awareness and/or product transactions.

Note: Focus can be on Business Solutions, Public Sector, or Verticals (Helathcare, or Retail).

Digital Package:
Based on goals and objectives for each partner, the elements of the digital package will vary.


Package Elements: Lead Generation

1. Paid Social Media
2. Connection website banner (location TBD based on campaign goals/objectives)
3. Module with lead capture form on landing page.

Additional Campaign Enhancement Activities:
Choose 1-2 additional activities listed below. These are optional activities that can be added to elements above to create your custom marketing campaign based on specific goals and objectives.*.

• 3rd Party Digital Advertising: Rate of $5,000
       - Online Digital Banner Ad (300x250 or 728x90)
• Landing Page: Rate of $10,000
       - 3 Module vendor page highlighting products and/or solutions. Vendor provided assets (video, whitepapers, etc.) hosted on page. Form capture module included for lead generation.

*Final campaign approval from Program Marketing Team required before campaign execution.

Package Elements: Brand/Info/Awareness

All activities driving to search result or module with multiple product/series featured

1. Module on landing page
2. Category browse banner (driving to product page)
3. Connection multi-partner email (feature spot)

Additional Campaign Enhancement Activities:
Choice of up to 2 additional elements listed below. These are optional activities that can be added to elements above to create your custom marketing campaign based on specific goals and objectives.*.

• 3rd Party digital advertising: Rate of $5,000
       - Online Digital Banner Ad
• Landing Page: Rate of $5,000
       - 3 Module vendor page highlighting products and/or solutions. Vendor provided assets (video, whitepapers, etc..) hosted on page. Form capture module included for lead generation.

*Final campaign approval from Program Marketing Team required before campaign execution.

Package Elements: Attach/Cross-Sell/Up-Sell

1. Featured product category spot
2. Added to accessories tab on up to 20 product SKUs

Additional Investment Opportunities:

• Digital Sales Events - View rates and availability
• Category Page Promotion - View rates and availability
• Deal of the Week - View rates and availability

Note: Final Campaign approval from Marketing team required before campaign execution.

Package Elements: Transaction/Multi-Product

All activities driving to search result or module with multiple product/series featured

1. Module on landing page
2. Category browse banner (driving to product page)
3. Connection multi-partner email (feature spot)

Additional Investment Opportunities:

• Digital Sales Events - View rates and availability
• Category Page Promotion - View rates and availability
• Deal of the Week - View rates and availability

Note: Final Campaign approval from Marketing team required before campaign execution.

Package Elements: Transaction/Single Product

All activities driving to product detail page

1. Category featured product spot
2. Category browse banner (driving to product page)
3. Connection multi-partner email (feature spot)

Additional Investment Opportunities:

• Digital Sales Events - View rates and availability
• Category Page Promotion - View rates and availability
• Deal of the Week - View rates and availability

Note: Final Campaign approval from Marketing team required before campaign execution.
Program Details

Program Timeframe:
See Production Schedule

Materials Due:
See Production Schedule

Duration of Promotion:
30 Days

Program Metrics:
Metrics will be provided and vary based on campaign type.