Partner Development Package Details

4 Programs Available - Priced at $7,500

Program Summary:
This campaign will create a foundation of information for our internal sales teams pertaining to your product/solution. Campaign components are educational only and leveraged as needed by the sales organization. This is meant for use with partners that require more development and product awareness with our sales teams.

Focus can be on Business Solutions, Public Sector, or Verticals (Healthcare or Retail).

Campaign Elements:

• Product Pitch:
     - Ability to record a short 5 minute product pitch with 2 slides via our BrainShark training tool.
     - Product pitch will be added to a library of trainings made availabe via our internal sales resource center (this is not a mandatory training).
• Creation of Battlecard for sales:
     - Battlecard will be posted to internal sales resource center and used as needed by our sales organization.
Program Details

Program Timeframe:
See Production Schedule

Materials Due:
See Production Schedule

Program Metrics:
Battlecard with link to training.