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E-Rate K-12 IT Solutions - SPIN Number: 143026005

Transform Your Classroom

Full access to telecommunications and information resources enables rich teaching and learning in our schools. The high level of service required for students to engage fully, however, means a steep cost for learning institutions. The E-Rate Universal Service program makes telecommunications and information services more affordable for the K-12 educational community—providing discounted telecommunications, Internet access, and internal connections to eligible schools.

Read on to learn more.
ECF Webinar

Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF): What You Need to Know

Acquiring technology and connectivity for your students, teachers, staff, and library patrons to close the homework gap is a priority. However, finding the budget can be difficult. Watch this video and listen in as experts discuss the ECF, what it entails, and how Connection can step in to help. We also cover what technology is eligible, filing windows and timelines, and helpful tips. Visit our ECF knowledge center for helpful information such as a webinar and white paper on the ECF, more videos, filing tips, and a list of eligible products from our partners.

Getting Started with E-Rate

Our experts can help you gain valuable insight into E-Rate Funding and make the process of applying easier to understand—advising what you should consider beforehand and what to do afterwards. More specifically, we can help you:
  • Request Bids for Service—Get started with E-Rate, explain the bid process, and provide competitive E-Rate pricing for the equipment and services you need.
  • Apply for Funding—Apply for E-Rate program discounts, help you understand what information you need to provide USAC about the services you are requesting, and the discounts for which you are eligible.
  • Invoice USAC After Receiving Services—Understand your invoicing options, including leasing with E-Rate, the right forms to fill out, and the next steps after your funding is approved.
To learn more about E-Rate, visit
E-Rate - Transform Your Classroom

TechSperience Podcast

E-Rate Changes, Deadlines and How to Get Started

There has been no more important time in the history of our schools and libraries to take advantage of all the E-Rate program has to offer. Listen in as we discuss how the E-Rate program has evolved over the years and recent changes you need to know. Find out about approaching deadlines and exactly what E-rate funding can be used for. Connection expert Tom Halberda walks you through the motions and tells a few E-rate stories you’ll want to hear.
Listen on Apple Podcasts   Listen on Google Play Music

The Future of E-Rate

E-rate funding has transformed the ed tech landscape in schools. The federal program has been modernized many times, and new changes are being discussed and debated. District Administration conducted a survey about this topic, asking administrators how they have used E-rate funding, what was challenging about the process and what changes they would support. View this infographic to see the results.
Future of E-Rate Infographic

Featured Partners

Please explore our partners below to learn about vendor products and solutions for E-Rate funding.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Get the Right Answers to Your Questions

Contact us today and connect with an expert who can help guide you through the E-Rate program, purchasing, filing, and more.