Section 508 Policy Statement

Section 508 requires that electronic and information technology (EIT) products procured or used by government agencies allow access to Federal employees and members of the public with disabilities that is comparable to the access available to non-disabled individuals. As a leading supplier of EIT products, we are dedicated to helping government purchasers meet their obligation by making available products that use the latest technologies and that are reliable, easy to use and Section 508 compliant. - GAS Government-wide Section508 Accessibility Program

Section 508 Product Information

As a reseller of electronic and information technology products, we rely on our manufacturer partners to provide information of their specific products.

Section 508 Reference Information provides reference information on 508 policy and links to many other Government agencies and websites.

Links to Manufacturer’s Section 508 Page

The list below contains links to the Section 508 information available from the manufacturers. If you have questions, you may obtain additional information directly from the manufacturers, or contact your Account Manager for any additional assistance or information you may require.