ICS Media Master Forensic NVMe Solid State Drive M.2 USB Clone System

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The Media Master IT NVMe Solid State Drive M.2 USB Clone System combines native support for M.2 NVMe solid state drives with 100 percent guaranteed, error-free cloning, eliminating the risk of contaminating or corrupting data from the Suspect drive during duplication. Ideal for highly secure forensic applications, this cable-free NVMe M.2 system maximizes reliability, while lowering total cost of ownership.  In addition, the data acquisition system provides write speeds exceeding 94.5 GB/min—simultaneously handling up to four NVMe M.2 drives—raising the bar in data duplication speed and efficiency.

The use of ICS patented hardware and software during the duplication process ensure that data from the suspect drive stays intact and unchanged. Built-in hard drive encryption technology gives users the option to protect the data on the Evidence drive, ensuring that data is secured utilizing the NIST- approved AES-256 Encryption standard. The Media Master uses the latest generation, Intel multi core processors and advanced high-speed drive controller technology, providing exceptional performance in risk-averse forensics applications with high reliability duplication/cloning environments.