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  • In Stock
  • Virtual delivery
Ordering Information
  • Planning Flexibility
  • Simplified Budgeting
  • Reduced Purchasing Effort
HPE Training Credits for Total Education is a “currency-based account” of funds that you can redeem for purchasing any course from our “Total” suite of education and training offerings including HPE Education Consulting solutions

Planning flexibility: You do not need to know student names, dates or even locations in advance. You have the flexibility to attend training, as you need it.

Simplified budgeting: Lock in budget dollars by pre-purchasing credits while funding is available.

Reduced purchasing effort: Avoid spending time and money on approving purchases throughout the year. After initial setup, you can register for training by phone or online using your HPE Credits for Total Education Services or HPE Credits for Total Education One Services. You can track number of students trained, courses taken, and remaining training funds on our secure website.