Printer Buying Guide: Find the Right Printer to Meet Your Needs.

Epson SureColor T7770D Dual Roll 44" Large Format Dual Roll CAD Technical Printer w PostScript

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Incredible performance without compromise!
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It's rare for an engineer to start with a completely blank page to create a next-generation printer design that meets the complex and demanding needs of technical and production printing environments. Epson has done just that to develop a platform that could take your technical and graphics printing business to the next level. Introducing the SureColor T7770D Dual Roll 44" Large Format Dual Roll CAD/Technical Printer - a groundbreaking production printer that's everything a large-format printer should be.

Engineered to deliver breakthrough performance, the first available 44-inch-wide SureColor T7770D features industry-leading 2.6-inch PrecisionCore printhead technology, delivering fastest in class print speeds. Plus it prints posters and POP displays at speeds over 300 sqft/hr and CAD and technical drawings at production-class speeds over 1,400 sqft/hr. An innovative Adobe Embedded Print engine with four on-board Intel Atom CPUs quickly processes complicated PDF data and accurately reproduces transparent design layers at speeds up to three times faster than previous generations. Featuring an innovative, purpose-built, reliable design with complete front operation, this innovative printer seamlessly produces crisp, detailed prints from virtually anywhere in the workspace - even when pushed against the wall. From vivid posters to crisp CAD drawings, the SureColor T7770D prints with incredible precision and stunning color using vibrant UltraChrome XD3 Ink with a new Red ink/color. And, with its array of convenient, customizable features, such as simple automatic roll loading and versatile media handling, including a dual roll/take-up system, this workhorse printer will easily integrate into almost any production workflow to revolutionize business productivity.