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The Pinger Plus is a unique handheld tester used for installing and maintaining computer Local Area Networks (LANs) running the TCP/IP protocol. The Pinger Plus uses the powerful PING function at either 10 or 100 mbps to verify connectivity, check transmitted and received data integrity, indicate network traffic loading by measuring round trip time, provide the MAC address of an IP address and warn when the default gateway cannot be located. The Pinger Plus can PING using variable packet sizes up to 99 times consecutively. In addition, PING can be performed for a single or a range of IP addresses. The Pinger Plus also identifies reversed polarity for improperly connected wire pairs and provides a port identification feature with selectable blink rates to identify to which port on a hub or switch the wall outlet is connected.

The Pinger Plus is the first handheld tester to provide gigabit over copper link detection. When connected to a hub, switch or NIC, the Pinger Plus displays the speed (10/100/1000Mbps) and duplex mode (half or full) capabilities of the equipment.

The Pinger Plus is an ideal tool for quickly testing proper LAN operation after completing a move, add or change (MAC). Trouble calls are easily handled by verifying Link connection and running the comprehensive PING test. Resolve Internet problems with the DHCP client mode that ensures a DHCP server is available and displays IP address assignment. Remote office support can be provided by connecting the Pinger Plus to the LAN at the remote office trouble point and PINGing the tester over the Internet.