Are you in the market for new computer keyboards and keypads for your organization? Within an office setting, the right keypad can make a world of difference in the efficiency of an agency. Individuals who must spend a great deal of their time typing should be afforded the convenience of things like padded wrist guards and... angled computer keyboards not just for their own sake, but for the sake of their productivity as well. Issues like carpal tunnel syndrome can be easily avoided through an investment in the right PC keyboard.
We have an extensive inventory of computer keyboards and keypads from the top brands in the market, including iKey, Cherry, Adeso, Logitech, HP, Panasonic, and more. All of these brands have product lines and models which include features for professional typists. Among these features are extended keys, programmable keys to improve efficiency, the ability to raise the angle of the keyboard as well as padding below the spacebar to help protect the users’ wrists.
Aside from the advantages of ergonomic keyboards, some keypads also have other features related solely to productivity. These features include special functions for portable data collectors, added connectivity features to connect a keyboard to a mainframe through USB, Firewire and other connectivity options as well as special layouts for different languages and wireless capabilities. When a government agency or educational institution is selecting keyboards and keypads, it should consider these features alongside the needs of its employees—balancing productivity with better health. It should also consider the ability of the PC keyboard to integrate within the existing network and computer architecture.