Is your organization looking for a new graphic tablet? When you need to create computer graphics, it can be cumbersome to use a mouse to draw the images, because precision and control is limited. Instead, it’s more efficient to use a graphic tablet. Artists connect graphic tablets to their computers... and with the use of a digital pen or stylus are able to write and draw on the connected device’s screen. Using graphic tablets, you can create advertisements, 3D images, and instructional pictures on your computer for easy editing and modification.
Connection offers a wide selection of graphic tablet models from the top brands in the market, including Wacom. There are a number of options and specifications available, such as a pressure sensitive interface and a variety of resolution settings, making them suitable for creating pictures ranging from quick spot images for a newsletter to detailed diagrams for an engineering project. The graphic tablets also have connectivity options enabling them to be plugged into a computer via cables or connecting wirelessly, depending on the configuration.
For organizations that generate imagery on a regular basis, graphic tablets are a convenient way to draw images in a graphics application that can then be shared over a network and modified by other designers. It’s more efficient than drawing something on paper and then scanning it into the computer. When you work with a graphic tablet, you can adjust features such as pen or paintbrush size, colors, canvas texture and color, and the type of drawing instrument for greater flexibility. You can also use a graphic tablet and pen to draw over existing images, such as during a slideshow presentation when you want to call attention to a particular detail on the screen.