Higher Education

Does Your Campus Cybersecurity Pass the Test?

Over the past two years, the industry hardest hit by cyberattacks isn’t banking.
Or retail. Or even government. It’s education.


U.S. schools, colleges, and universities experienced ransomware attacks in 2020*

The cost of an average ransomware attack for educational institutions in 2020*

Malware can take many forms, but ransomware is the most significant emerging threat in the education space—mainly scareware, screen lockers, and encrypting ransomware. But all ransomware takes the same basic approach: Gain illicit access to or control of the victim’s systems and data, then either block access or threaten to disclose or sell confidential data unless an extortion payment is made.
Does Your Campus Cybersecurity Pass the Test?
Why Is HiEd High on the Hacker Syllabus?

Why Is HiEd High on the Hacker Syllabus?

The combination of two factors makes your educational environment an appealing target: vulnerability and value. By their very nature, institutions of higher learning are an open book of access and collaboration, creating many points of entry for a cyber pathogen. And after it’s inside the network, malware can enable threat actors to gain access to everything from classroom platforms to systems that contain student records and employee personnel data.

The World’s Most Advanced Endpoint Security Services

Defending the endpoints in your higher education environment doesn’t have to be disruptive for students, employees, or IT. HP’s transparent malware and credential protection lets everyone work unrestricted using the most common applications and Web browsers without fear of compromising their data or identity—or your network.
The World’s Most Advanced Endpoint Security Services

HP Sure Click Enterprise

IT staff are perennially in short supply, and the move to remote and hybrid learning has pulled even more of their attention away from cybersecurity. HP Sure Click Enterprise is simple to deploy and offloads the time-consuming task of threat identification, with no additional on-premises infrastructure or software purchase required.

A Cyber Breach Is a Hard Lesson to Learn

Cybercriminals are more motivated now than ever. And they’re quick to study your network for weak spots in your printer and PC security. The HP Wolf Security portfolio of hardware, software, and services equals comprehensive endpoint protection and recovery resiliency—a defense that evolves with and defeats emerging education threats.
HP Wolf Security
Modern Technology for the Modern Classroom with Z by HP

Modern Technology for the Modern Classroom with Z by HP

Red Rocks Community College leverages a first-generation HP Z8 workstation, which has given them the capacity, scale, performance, and reliability required to support their needs. And the IT team gains peace of mind knowing that the end-user experience is consistent for all students through better uptime, reliability, and support.

*Source: HP, 2022, Does Your Campus Cybersecurity Pass the Test?