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Finally, it's here. PhishER Plus - a powerful anti-phishing protection. PhishER Plus is powered by a unique KnowBe4 global threat feed. This triple-validated phishing threat feed automatically blocks phishing attacks before they make it into your users' inboxes using KnowBe4's global network of 10+ million highly trained KnowBe4 end-users and their PhishER Administrators; PhishML, a unique AI-model trained on phishing emails that all other filters missed; human-curated threat intel by KnowBe4's Threat Research Lab.
KnowBe4 sees things no one else can. Users report all the attacks that make it through every other filter out there. These in-the-wild threats are the most dangerous, real-time social engineering attacks at any given point in time.
PhishER Plus was developed to help you supercharge your organization's email security defenses and is an additional final layer after your existing SEG and other cybersecurity layers fail.