Retail Technology Solutions

Retail POS Solutions

Create a Seamless Checkout Experience

A clunky POS system may be costing your retail organization millions. In fact, as many as 62% of consumers1 say they have left a store without making a purchase after waiting too long in line at the register.

This trend costs retailers a staggering $37.7 billion2 in sales every year. That’s why it is crucial that you invest in an efficient POS system that provides a quick and seamless checkout experience for your customers.

These solutions are designed to help your retail organization:

Ready to learn more about these offerings?

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Trusted Partners in POS Solutions

Trusted Partners in POS Solutions

As a leading retail IT provider, Connection partners only with the best technology companies to deliver the top solutions in the marketplace. Our key POS technology partners are HP and Elo, based on their proven ability to help retailers create an exceptional checkout experience. For example, Elo’s self-order kiosks helped Taco Bell win the Best Restaurant ICX (interactive customer experience) category for the 2019 Elevate Awards. With Connection’s Retail Point of Sale Solutions, you will receive expert guidance in accessing the best POS solutions to delight your customers and boost sales.

More than Just a Sale

Retailers that don’t invest in an updated POS system risk disappointing their customers and losing sales. Research shows that 79% of consumers3 anticipate checking out in-store to be as convenient as online—and will leave the store if those expectations aren’t met.

Convenience is only the baseline though. Your POS system can also work as a powerful engagement tool. You can nurture brand loyalty by incorporating loyalty program rewards, quick and intuitive customer satisfaction surveys, or charity campaigns to encourage customers to make feel-good donations. These touchpoints not only create a unique checkout experience but also offer a glimpse into your organizational values.

Connection’s Retail POS Solutions are ideal for small and mid-sized businesses (SMB), as well as enterprise convenience stores, specialty retailers, and quick service restaurants (QSRs). Like all of Connection’s services, our POS Solutions are designed to meet your unique needs. Choose the scope of the service you need today and rest assured that Connection has the expertise to execute on additional projects as your IT operations evolve.
More than Just a Sale

Retail POS Solutions

Device Selection

Device Selection

The selection and adoption of the right POS system can be a complex process. Whether you’re looking for a traditional, mobile, all-in-one, component built, part of a self-serving kiosk station, or any other kind of POS system, Connection can work with you to choose and set up the best option for your organization.

Connection can also ensure that the POS system you select can be integrated with your inventory management system, resulting in big savings for your company’s bottom line.
Digital Signage

Digital Signage

Make the checkout experience unique with custom digital signage. Seventy-nine percent of customers opt to shop in-store for the personalized service.4 Delight customers with a POS system that offers loyalty program rewards, asks for their feedback, or encourages them to make a donation to a cause your organization cares about. With our digital signage and messaging services, we’ll help you create an unforgettable checkout experience that will keep customers coming back.
Retail Cybersecurity Solutions

Retail Cybersecurity Solutions

Security should be at the forefront of your POS strategy. Yet, only 61 percent of retailers have implemented end-to-end encryption to keep their customers’ payment information secure.5 With our industry-leading cybersecurity assessments, endpoint protection, technology integration, and compliance services, we’ll help you protect your data and make sure you are compliant with Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) and other industry and regional regulations.
Custom Services

Custom Services

Connection specializes in POS enablement for retail. Our offerings such as distribution and configuration services, end-user services, and lifecycle services are designed to help retailers maximize the benefits of POS Solutions for their unique organizational needs. We even have our all-in-one Location in a Box solution that sources all of your equipment from Connection. Our experts provision and test all units and send them directly to your location to reduce setup time and save money with units that are ready right out of the box. Get all the hardware and hands-on support you need to make your POS investment worthwhile.
Learn more about our other Retail Technology Solutions.
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1 American Express Insights, “Digital Payments Survey,” 2019.
2 Ayden, “New Study: Long Lines Cost US Retailers $37.7 Billion,” 2018.
3 American Express Insights, “Digital Payments Survey,” 2019.
4 Retail Consulting Partners, “2020 POS/Customer Engagement Survey Report,” 2020.
5 Fujitsu, “2019 POS/Customer Engagement Survey,” 2019.

Ready to talk about Retail POS Solutions?
Call a Connection expert today.


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