
Douglas County School District

Parent Purchases - Chromebooks

Welcome Douglas County School District!

Dear DCSD Parents:

Welcome to the Douglas County School District Parent Purchase Program!

The goal of the DCSD Parent Purchase Program is to provide interested parents with a simplified process for purchasing technology to further support their child’s learning.

DCSD has negotiated bulk purchase rates for technology and is making those rates available to you via this purchase portal. Please note: this is optional and is not mandatory. This is simply an opportunity for you to purchase a Chromebook for your child.

Benefits of the DCSD Parent Purchase Program:

  • Enables parents to take advantage of the educational discounts offered to the District.
  • Dell Chromebook comes with an extended three (3) year Accidental Damage Protection.

If you choose to take advantage of the Parent Purchase Program, taxes and shipping will be added to your cart during checkout. Payments and delivery is directly managed by the vendor - Connections.

If you have questions, please contact your school.

*Important Note* The Chromebooks are custom built-to-order from Dell and are not stocked products.  Due to the pandemic estimated delivery is approximately 30 days.

Create an account (below) to view product details, pricing and place an order.